The catalog of the exhibition with the same title opened at the Museum of Art Collections in Bucharest between October 13, 2017-January 31, 2018. The book contains the preface signed by Ariadna Dănilă-Lowendal, president of the Lowendal Foundation, the critical text signed by the curators of the exhibition, Ruxandra Demetrescu and Cristina Cojocaru, the list of works, fragments from George Lowendal’s memoirs, fragments from the critique of the time. The catalog is bilingual (Romanian-English).
In the world of George Löwendal’s characters (1897–1964)
painting, graphics and scenographic projects
Ariadna Dănilă-Löwendal, coordonator
Andreea Niță, traducător
arh. Irina Nemțeanu, arhitectura expoziției, Dorin Dănilă, consultant proiect, Bent Lange și George Radu, fotografii și prelucrare imagini, Iuliana Covei, asistență editorială și documentare, Adrian Constantin, asistență proiect expozițional
Year: 2018
ISBN 978-606-720-106-2
Circulation: 500